Get-to-know Enlightenment Intensive Dyads and Kjell Gustafsson


Monday, September 16th, 7 PM - 9 PM CEST

(1 PM - 3 PM EST; 10 AM - noon PDT)


On Zoom, Free of charge

Please arrive a few minutes early

so that we can start on time.

You can find us here:
ID: 884 1783 4371

An meeting focused on direct experience:

Kjell will shortly explain the 'technique' of Enlightenment-Intensive Dyads.

Two volunteers will have the opportunity to try a dyad 'with guidance' from Kjell for 20 minutes.

Everyone else will be present.

Afterward, there will be a dyad for everyone, where you can explore with fresh inspiration.

There is room for questions about the Enlightnment Intensive approach to dyads, and the retreat.

More videos with Kjell:

This recording was made during an introductory evening.

A short introduction to the Enlightenment Intensive technic.

This video consists of two rounds of 5 minutes each of a dyad, as well as some fragments. Kjell explores with the invitation 'Tell me what you are.' My invitation is 'Tell me who you are.'